Monday, August 27, 2018

City takes ballot opponents to court

City of Long Beach to go to court to change Measure AAA and Measure DDD ballot arguments

The Charter Amendments proposed by Auditor Laura Doud and the Mayor are quickly becoming a political flashpoint as the City Attorney has filed an action with the Los Angeles Superior Court for a hearing on Tuesday 8/28/18 to force the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors to change the opponent's ballot measures arguments.

The Special Counsel called the opponents and left voicemails that they were scheduled for a court hearing on Tuesday 8/28 in Los Angeles. 

Doud unhappy with opponents arguments 
Opponents report that they were told by the Long Beach City Clerk's office that the normal review and correction period was not followed because the City Clerk was out of the office for a week, 

According to City Hall sources, the Mayor's office and City Auditor Laura Doud were proactive in going to  Superior Court to force the opponents to change the wording of their ballot measures arguments.   The new People of Long Beach leader Juan Ovalle is the lead writer on the opposition arguments.  

To view the Arguments that the city is going to court to change, click on:


For information about Long Beach neighborhoods uniting against Measure BBB's INCREASE in Term Limits CLICK ON:


  1. It sure looks like this cabal can't handle the truth.
    The only people that benefit from these four amendments are mayor, city manager, city council, city attorney, et al.
    So sorry Laura Doud sold out; I thought she couldn't be bought and I was wrong.

  2. For anyone interested what the Election Code is about ballot statements please log on to

  3. Without open and transparent government we might as well just let the City Manager and Mayor decide all issues. Why keep wasting our time and money on elections and voters.
