Thursday, October 22, 2020

Herlinda Chico wants you to know she is not a cop

 Herlinda Chico wants you to know she is not a cop


Raise your hand if the term “field deputy” reminds you of a police officer. Perhaps a police officer on a farm?

Well that is the latest from Long Beach City College candidate Herlinda Chico who is trying to explain why she lied on her ballot description.

Her reason? She did not want you to think she was a police officer.

In the October 11, 2020 Long Beach City College newspaper Viking News , Chico explains why she put the deceptive job title of “college advisor” as her ballot job description instead of her real job as Janice Hahn’s Field Deputy:

 Your job title on [Supervisor Janice] Hahn’s website is listed as “field deputy” which is different from “college advisor” as listed as your career on the ballot. A blog recently criticized this listing as being an inaccurate description, what is your response to this criticism?

The term “field deputy” isn’t a title that doesn’t accurately describe my duties. A lot of people think it sounds like I work with the police department. I used a term to describe one of the roles I perform by advising the supervisor on issues around education and labor. Our office has worked to set up a peer navigator program, which helps students connect to housing and educational resources available to students. This is something we started at LBCC and have done afterward at other colleges.


-From Viking News 10/11/20


For more information about the deceptive Herlinda Chico description click on: