Thursday, July 9, 2015

Life without the noise ordinance????

 Firestorm over Councilwomen Stacy Mungo's
Prop 13 comments at airport vote 

Having the winning votes to start the process for an International Terminal was not enough for 5th District Councilwomen Stacy Mungo on Tuesday night, the councilwomen added what many consider "insult to injury" of the homeowners. Her  comments have practically gone viral on social media sites.

 After over 2 hours of testimony from homeowners against the airport from all over the city-including her own neighborhood- Mungo told the audience:

 "I want all of you to stay in the homes you're in, but quite frankly if you moved, the city would actually increase its property tax revenue. Because of Prop 13 and your protections, we are not making a decision to get rid of you or move you and... I'm a budget director and I just have to tell you the facts."

So what do home sales under the flight path of an airport without a noise ordinance look like?  Well the blue dots on this Zillow map show all the Auction, Pre-foreclosed and foreclosed homes in the Inglewood flight path of LAX ( the LAX jets take off over the ocean).   Click on:

This is not the first time the Councilwomen took on airport advocates.  When Eight District Councilman Al Austin called for a city moratorium on the international airport until the 4th District Special Election had occurred,  Mungo  in a March 2015 Council statement by her, which she read from prepared text, in which she called voting for the moratorium "pandering to the crowd" of homeowners in the audience. 

Full Story Click on LBReport


  1. so why isn't there an effort to recall this creature?????

  2. If Mungo is a 'budget director' then perhaps she should go back to that type of job...unless she's as inept at budgeting as she is at being on the Council.
