Sunday, June 2, 2013

Violations of CUP and ABC documented

Clear violations of Long Beach CUP and California ABC restrictions as Taco Beach opens to a rocky start

The Los Altos Taco Beach opened over the weekend to a rocky start with clear violations of the Long Beach Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and the California ABC conditional license.

On Friday May 31, the owner graciously invited neighbors for the preview opening.  On Saturday June 1st it was “friends and family” of the employees, and on Sunday June 2nd, the Los Altos Taco Beach officially opened.

3 days of open doors violate CUP and ABC conditions
During all three days, the front doors were open, a clear violation of the Long Beach Conditional Use Permit which requires in Item 12 that the front door remain closed.    In addition, Item 3 of the California Alcohol Beverage Control conditional use permit Item 3 states that any alcohol displays (the inside bar area) and signs may not be visible from the exterior and if they are it “shall constitute a violation of this condition”.  A violation of any of the 11 ABC conditions in the conditional license is grounds for revoking the license.  The open door clearly makes the alcohol in the bar area visible to the outside pedestrians during the day, and drivers passing by on Bellflower Blvd. at night.

Alcohol visable from outside is a violation
As neighbors, and friends and families gathered around the inside bar area on Friday and Saturday night, unattended children of some of the patrons were running in and out of the open front doors, into the parking lot and along Abbeyfield and Bellflower Blvd.  well past 9 pm at night.

Parking spilled out from the full parking lot down about a block on Abbeyfield at Bellflower Blvd.  A neighbor on Abbeyfield reported an interaction in front of her house with a drunk patron from Taco Beach.  Another neighbor on Daggett reported a shouting match with college aged students in the parking lot behind the house as the family was in the back yard cooking on the BBQ.
The parking lot loitering was also a clear violation of both the CUP and the ABC license.

A waitress from Taco Beach smoking on Abbeyfield  told a neighbor that the people on the patio after the 8 pm closing were smoking.  This too is a violation of the LB CUP.

A neighborhood spokes person sent an email to Councilman O’Donnell and his staff asking for his office to step in and make sure all conditions of the CUP and ABC are strictly followed.

If the councilman’s office is unwilling or unable to intervene, neighborhood representatives are prepared to file complaints with the city authorities and the ABC.

CLICK on the link for the ABC Complaint Form:  ABC Complaint against License

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